Jesus said - “…I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it…” (Matthew 16:18), and He tells us in His Word exactly how He would do it. Join us as we examine the book of Acts to learn, and emulate, how our Lord built His body, the church.
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Even the OT Scriptures, that were considered to be the law, testify that God’s people were never intended to be bound by the law as slaves because His salvation was always by Divine Promise.
What IS the Gospel? What is the relationship between the law of God and the grace of God? What is the role of God’s promise in relation to our righteousness? And how tightly should we hold on to and defend the Biblical Gospel?
These are all frequent questions and discussions among Christians, and our new series, “Defending ONE Gospel” in the book of Galatians will address them all.
The entire duration of this series will be a great time to invite friends to church to learn and understand the ONLY way to eternal life in Heaven with Jesus.