
Bible Study

The goals of Saucon Community Church's Bible study is to glorify God by strengthening our relationships with God, Family, Church and Community. We seek to encourage everyone to share, use, and develop; and providing a place for God's people to openly share, connect with and support each other. Come join us we exposit God's word together for His glory through our spiritual maturity.

Saucon Community Church Bible Study meets Wednesday nights at 7:00pm at the Fellowship Hall.

Youth Discipleship

The Youth Discipleship Groups gives 5th through 12th grade youth an opportunity to discover their passions and their part in God’s purposes for the world. The discipleship program includes teaching of God's word, group fellowship, and personal reflection. The discipleship group will help our youth build relationships and habits into their life that help them to walk and talk with Jesus together.

The Youth Discipleship meets periodically throughout the month. Check-out our events page for specific dates, times, and activities.

Children's Ministry

The Christian education program of Saucon Community Church exists to promote and enhance the spiritual development and education of children of all ages and stages. Our Children’s Church program begins at age three and goes up to grade six. Children’s Church meets every Sunday at 10:30am.

Our goal is to inspire an affection for God’s Word in children, help them to see how God’s Word can be applied to their own lives, instill in them the importance of reading God’s Word daily, and show how God’s Word points to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Our desire is to see children come to faith in Christ, learn about Him through the Bible, and be able to share their faith in Christ with others.

 Small Groups

The Small Group ministry at Saucon Community Church is intended to stimulate worship, fellowship, and accountability among a microcosm of the whole church. Thus, small groups consist of a diverse group of people, gathering for food, fellowship, study, and prayer.

Our groups also have an evangelistic component, wherein we encourage members to bring unchurched friends and acquaintances to the group to be exposed to the Gospel.

If you are interested in joining a small group, please contact us!

Prayer Ministry

Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty.

Throughout the week, our church leaders pray for their pastor, a list of church members, any special requests, and missionary prayer needs. Join us in praying for God’s to minister to the hearts of people in the Saucon Community. If you have a prayer request, we would love you to know and come beside you in prayer.

Where Can I Serve?

Jesus told us, his disciples, to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as taking care of the church property to preparing the church bulletins.

God-honoring worship is something we strive for. Many church members get involved in our music ministry. Some play their instruments. Some are vocalists. These volunteers are an important part of the ministry of our church, using their talents and gifts to glorify God. If you are interested in serving or volunteering, please Connect With Us!


Local Missions

As a Christian community that seeks to imitate the likeness of Jesus, we believe our outreach must be Jesus-shaped. Since Jesus came to earth in the form of a servant (Phil. 2:7), we believe that we, as his followers must take the posture of a servant to our community. Our service to the community of the Saucon Valley includes, but is not limited to the New Jerusalem food bank and the Apple St. Adopt-a-Road Program.

In addition, our church strives to educate and prepare one another to live an evangelistic lifestyle wherein we’re always looking for opportunities to proclaim the good news about Jesus Christ.

New Jerusalem Food Bank

Twice a month volunteers meet at New Jerusalem Food Bank to assist in packaging and distributing food for needy persons and families in our community.

Current Food Bank Needs:
Spaghetti sauce, rice, canned chicken, kidney beans, snack crackers like Saltines, soup, pork & beans, pasta, coffee, baking ingredients, all canned vegetables.

Apple St. Adopt-a-Road

Twice a year a group of faithful volunteers maintains and cleans Apple St. in Lower Saucon Township from the township line all the way up to Mockingbird Hill Rd.

Foreign Missions


Through association with Fields of Abundance Mission (FOAM), short term missionaries from Saucon Community Church have taken several trips to Nicaragua, the poorest country in Central America, to evangelize the lost and disciple native believers in order to equip them to evangelize as well. Through children’s discipleship ministry, service projects, Bible studies, special services, and door to door evangelism, Saucon Community Church obeys the Lord’s command to ‘Go!!!…’ and preach the good news to all creation.

Our Missionaries

Saucon Community Church is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. While we are eager to obey our Lord’s command to make disciples of ALL nations, our missions emphasis is currently in domestic church planting, through which we aim to plant more Bible teaching, Christ exalting churches in our own society.

Steve Morton & Family

Elkton, MD
Elkton Bible Fellowship Church
Steve has been a member of the pastoral staff of Bible Fellowship Church of Newark since 2004. He and his family moved to Elkton, Maryland in 2019 and he sensed the Lord’s calling to begin a new Bible Fellowship Church in his community.

Joshua Dupiche & Family

Milford, DE
Hope Community BFC
We study the Bible verse by verse, book by book. This is called inductive Bible study and results in a better understanding of what the text is saying, not what we would like it to say. It’s a relaxed atmosphere where you are free ask questions and make some friends. We believe in the doctrines of Grace. We are reformed. Christ is everything.

John & Lisa Hanner

Adams County, PA
Adams County BFC
We’re part of a great fellowship of churches called the Bible Fellowship Church and our main goal is to love and serve the people of our communities by witnessing to and living out the glorious story of God’s grace and redemption in Jesus Christ.

Tim Radcliff

Elverson, PA
Crossroads is a mission church working in partnership with the Bible Fellowship Church. We are on our way to becoming a church where the gospel and discipleship are lived out daily. God is on mission to build His Kingdom and make known the Gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ.
Copyright © 2023 Saucon Community Church
 857 Easton Rd. Bethlehem, PA 18015
 PO Box 317 Hellertown, PA 18055